Senior Balance Exercises Help Limit Falls
By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via www.exerciseforbalance.comBeing consistent with your senior balance exercises every day all year round can help reduce the risk and incidence of falling. Please see Healthcare professionals have noticed that there is a seasonal and regional variation in falls among older adults. Seasonal variation in falls has been reported in some studies and not others; and where it has been observed, the higher number of falls in winter has been attributed to poorer weather. In addition to possible environmental causes (e.g. slipping on ice), inferior dorsiflexion (bending at the ankle) caused by muscle weakness of the anterior tibialis in older age may be compounded by poor circulation, which makes the extremities more susceptible to the cold causing numbness and reduced sensation. The increase in falls number may be in part due to low vitamin D status, since vitamin D is required for neuromuscular health. At any rate, medical researchers and healthcare providers like doctors, nurses and physical therapists, recommend that those in the aging population perform senior balance exercises year round to maintain adequate stability and limit the possibility of a fall.
Practice Senior Balance Exercises To Reduce Falling
The first step towards staying on your feet and avoiding a fall is to perform senior balance exercises on a regular basis. By being consistent with your equilibrium routine, you will be able to develop and maintain strong connections between the balance center in your brain and the sensory input from your feet. Establishing adequate stability before you encounter a challenging balance situation is essential. Most older folks fall because they are caught off guard by something. Most aging individuals who have fallen recount that it happened so fast, they were unable to think through the situation. That is why it is critical to rehearse equilibrium routines every day so you develop strong balance reactions at the feet and ankles that are able to respond to a challenging balance situation before you even have a chance to think about it. Now you can practice stability techniques, leg strengthening routines and senior balance exercises in the comfort of your own home by following along with the Exercise For Balance DVD.
Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
To begin the best strength and balance exercises, get the Exercise For Balance DVD. The professionally filmed Exercise For Balance DVD is an exceptional educational DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The Exercise For Balance DVD comes complete with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing, grocery shopping or to advance to high level activities like playing golf, dancing and hiking. In the comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a balance instructor --licensed Physical Therapist-- who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW buttonAvoid falling by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
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