Balance Exercises Help With Gout
By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via Balance exercises can help with the painful issue of gout.
Gout is a painful condition that includes sudden attacks of pain and redness and stiffness, which usually occurs in the big toe joint. Gout is thought to be a derivative of arthritis. The condition of gout tends to affect men more than women, however, women are more susceptible to having gout after menopause. With gout, your big toe is extremely sensitive to touch, severely painful and extraordinarily stiff. Because of this stiffness and pain in the big toe, a person becomes imbalanced with walking. Please see Balance Exercises For Gout
Balance exercises are important for people who have gout to help them improve stability and prevent falls. Surprisingly, for all of us our big toe is essential for good balance. We tend to use our big toe as one of the primary weight-bearing structures in our foot. The big toe also helps with medial stability. During a flare up of gout, the painful, stiff first toe can create balance problems and a greater risk for falling. The first step to reduce the risk of falling is to learn specific equilibrium techniques from a balance professional, such as a physical therapist. A balance instructor can teach you how to center your body weight and use the sense of touch between your feet and the floor to enhance stability. A balanced therapist can also show you which stability routines to practice on a daily basis. Now, you can learn those specific balance techniques and stability routines in the
Exercise For Balance DVD.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
To help work through the painful flare up of gout safely start balance exercise with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The DVD can help you understand specific balance techniques and which balance routines to practice. In the Balance DVD, you will learn balance tips to stay safe at home. The instructor is an expert in the field of balance who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button Don't let painful gout get you down. Start balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls. For more information see Read more ...
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