Balance Training Reduces Sports Injuries
There is welcome news about balance training for anyone who plays sports and specifically for those who have had previous ankle or knee sprains. Recent research shows that balance training can decrease the recurrence of lower extremity injuries. A study done by Hrysomallis C. details balance training effects on sports injury risk.Balance Training Effectiveness
-- Watch this video for ideas on balance training.... Balance Training EquipmentTraditionally, balance training has been used as part of the rehabilitation programme for ankle injuries. More recently, balance training has been adopted to try to prevent injuries to the ankle and knee joints during sport. The purpose of this review is to synthesise current knowledge in the area of balance ability, balance training and injury risk, highlight the findings and identify any future research needs. A number of studies have found that poor balance ability and lack of balance training is significantly related to an increased risk of ankle injuries in different activities. This relationship appears to be more common in males than females. Multifaceted intervention studies that have included balance training along with jumping, landing and agility exercises have resulted in a significant decrease in ankle or knee injuries in team handball, volleyball and recreational athletes. As a single intervention, balance training has been shown to significantly reduce the recurrence of ankle ligament injuries in soccer, volleyball and recreational athletes. Balance training on its own has also been shown to significantly reduce anterior cruciate ligament injuries in male soccer players.
Balance Exercises Detailed In The Exercise For Balance DVD
Whether you are a recreational sports participant or someone just needing to improve balance, the Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with balance training to show you the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to improve balance to tackle higher level activities like volleyball, soccer or basketball. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from a licensed Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. She also has first hand experience with balance training through her mountain climbing triumphs.Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW
See Start your balance training to prevent injuries today!!
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