Balance Exercises For Senior Classes
Balance exercises are important for all individuals over the age of 60 years old to partake in on a daily basis. Balance exercises helped to improve balance and confidence with walking and standing. Balance exercises combat the general decline in our balance system as we age. Balance exercises all to help to reduce the risk of falling. Approximately one in three seniors over the age of 60 every year, resulting in serious injuries including hip and wrist fractures.
Balance Exercise Classes Are Beneficial For Many Reasons
Balance exercise classes not only helped to improve balance but they also provide a way of socialization and camaraderie for seniors. Balance exercise classes are a great way to reduce isolation often found in our later years. Balance exercise classes should include balance exercises to promote improved stability with standing. Balance exercise classes should also involve balance exercises for walking and challenged gait activities.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise for Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is a great tool that can be used at home for individuals or in a senior class setting such as the YMCA, senior fitness exercise classes, silver sneakers programs or community or hospital based Senior exercise programs. The Exercise For Balance DVD is presented by a license physical therapist who is an expert in balance and dizziness disorders. The Exercise For Balance DVD presents the necessary balance exercises, including standing balance exercises, challenged walking balance exercises and pertinent strength exercises that help to improve balance. To order a copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD for your Senior fitness class, Click on the Buy Now Button
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