Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Balance Exercise Alert: Are You Prepared To Handle Your Parents' Aging Issues

Balance Exercises A Necessity For Older Adults--Aging Effects Balance, Energy, Cognition And So Much More

As a forty something, I have watched my very active octogenarian parents age in various ways. Thankfully, my parents have always been involved in social sports activities. To this day, they both play tennis, followed by lunch with their friends. That activity helps them stay physically moving, cognitively engaged and emotionally connected.

Balance Exercises Needed--Balance, STRENGTH And Cognitive Deficits With Aging

Despite their active lifestyle, I have noticed their normal cognitive changes including memory loss and mild confusion. Overall, their health is good, but they both experience age related weakness. Also, I have noticed a decrease in balance, especially with walking and going up and down stairs. One of the signs to look for with decreased balance is do they stumble forwards when getting out of a chair or are they unsteady on their feet in a crowded environment. That should be a tip that they need to practice balance exercises so as not to fall. Part of my motivation for the developing the Exercise For Balance DVD and balance program was in response to my Dad’s falls and subsequent shoulder injuries.


Thankfully, the Exercise For Balance DVD is an easy to use Balance DVD that your parents can use at home on a daily basis to perform balance exercises and to improve balance and reduce the risk of costly falls. As a Physical Therapist with 24 years of experience helping seniors with balance and dizziness problems, I created the Exercise For Balance DVD to explain how to balance and which balance exercises to do safely. I strongly urge you to order a copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD for your parents so they can stay active and healthy. It will save you time and money and sure beats a fall and hip fracture for all involved.


Watch A Preview of the Balance DVD
Don't wait for your parents to fall-- get them started on balance exercises today!!

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