Friday, April 20, 2012

Balance Exercises Improve Gait After A Stroke

Balance Exercises Help With Walking After A Fall

Balance exercises are essential to perform on a daily basis for anyone over the age of 60. Balance exercises help to keep us stable, on our feet and active in our daily lives. See Balance exercises are even more important to practice for folks who have suffered from a stroke. After a stroke, an individual often experiences weakness on one side, possibly one arm and one leg. That weakness shifts the person's center of balance and diminishes their balance abilities, resulting in a greater risk of falling and impairment. Balance exercises have been determined to be of assistance to folks after a stroke.

Balance Exercises Helpfulness Post Stroke

Balance exercises and their effects for stroke suffers has been a topic of recent research. In a comprehensive investigation, Rose´n E., Sunnerhagen K.S. and Kreuter M. in their study, Fear of falling, balance, and gait velocity in patients with stroke, evaluated the positive outcomes of balance exercises and balance training for individuals following a stroke. After a stroke balance can be impaired, that may influence the physical activities which can be undertaken. A persons confidence in performing activities without falling could be as important as the real balance ability in situations of daily living. The aims of the study were to evaluate the relationship between perceived self-confidence in task performance without falling. The results indicate that the use of the balance exercises can be recommended in subjects with stroke and balance deficit in order to map out the dimension of self-confidence in balance problems.

Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD

Balance exercises and balance techniques demonstrated in the Exercise For Balance DVD can help improve balance for individuals after a stroke.The Exercise For Balance DVD is the perfect Balance DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to enhance fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, balance techniques and balance exercises from a balance trainer (licensed Physical Therapist) who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

For stroke rehab, start balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD and improve balance and prevent falls from this day forward.

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