Friday, March 13, 2015

Love Being Active With Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For Enjoyable Activities

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via www.exerciseforbalance.comWalking- Exercise for balance for walking
 As the years go by, many older individuals begin to be nervous about joining in the fun of those around them because they are fearful of falling, which can be reduced by consistent practice of specific senior balance exercises. Please see Since the aging process often includes decreasing balance abilities, general trunk and leg strength weakness  and an overall limitation in movement activities, those in the aging generation need to be intentional about performing equilibrium routines which will enhance balance skills, increase leg strength, promote safe movement activities, reduce the fear of falling, bolster positive emotions and in general maximize a quality of life. Most of us know that being involved in the lives of those around us, participating in social activities and exercise is good for us. Exercise can help lose weight, relieve stress, enhance musculoskeletal health and boost mood. Additionally, we know that exercise helps prevent heart disease and other health problems. However, despite knowing these facts, many older individuals may still struggle to get regular exercise.  One of the first steps to increase the amount of exercise you get involves improving your perception of exercise -- don't see fitness as just something you should do, but as something you want to do. Tailor your exercise routine, so it becomes something you actually look forward to doing. To follow a few principals, consider:

Do activities you enjoy

With so many options for exercise, there's no need to suffer through a workout you don't like.
  • Be true to yourself. Look for activities that suit your personality. If you're a social butterfly, try group activities, such as dance classes, a cycling club, or a walking group. Many groups welcome new members at all levels. If competition is what drives you, take up softball or join a rowing club. If you prefer solo exercise, consider jogging or swimming.
  • Try something new. There's a whole world of exercise possibilities out there, from salsa classes, to kayaking, to rock climbing. You never know what activities you might enjoy until you try them. So see what's available in your area and go for it. Whether it's horseback riding, belly dancing, or water polo, find an activity or sport that interests you and sign-up. If you find it hard to go alone, bring a friend or family member.
  • Channel your inner child. Think about activities you enjoyed as a child, and try them again. Was it roller skating, dance, maybe basketball? You may be surprised at how much you still enjoy your childhood pastimes. Many communities have adult leagues and classes you can join.
  • Choose your sweet spot. Do you love being outdoors? Choose activities that get you outside, such as walking, hiking, or gardening. If you prefer to exercise indoors, think about swimming, active video games, or yoga.
  • Mix it up. Even the most fun activity can get boring if you do it day after day. Find a few things you like and mix it up. For example, you might play golf on a Saturdays, take tango classes on Mondays, and swim laps on Wednesdays.
  • Add a soundtrack. Listening to music helps the time pass and keeps your pace up. Or you might try listening to audio books while you walk or ride a stationary bike. Just be sure the volume is low enough for you to hear what is going on around you.
Stay motivated
Getting started with a routine is just the first step. You will also need help staying motivated so that you keep up your new habits.
  • Remind yourself how much you like exercising. Most people feel really good after exercising. But for some reason, it's hard to remember that feeling before your next workout. As a reminder, make a few notes about how good you feel after a workout. Or take a photo of yourself after a workout and stick it on the fridge for inspiration.
  • Sign up for a charity event. Charity events offer you the chance to walk, ski, run, or bike for a good cause. Not only are these events fun, but training for them can help keep your motivation up. Many charities help participants by arranging training runs or bikes. You'll get fit while meeting new friends. Or, boost your motivation by signing up for the event with family, friends, or coworkers.
  • Reward yourself. Treat yourself for hitting your goals. Think about rewards that support your efforts, such as new walking shoes, a heart rate monitor, or a watch you can use to track your workouts. Small rewards work as well, such as tickets to a concert or movie.

Enjoy Activities With Senior Balance Exercises

 By starting with  senior balance exercises, you can develop appropriate balance skills to provide you with the steadiness needed to begin your pleasurable movement activities. As an example, you can start with single leg standing balance exercises where you stand on one foot for twenty seconds, three times on each leg. You can progress your stability exercises by walking along a line in a heel to toe fashion. As you build steadiness through equilibrium routines, you will more fully enjoy activities like playing tennis, golf, bocce ball, going for a walk and so much more. You can learn the necessary senior balance exercises presented by an experienced Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDSale On Exercise For Balance DVD’s

    Love your active life by beginning the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare provider recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is an excellent educational DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to follow Exercise For Balance DVD is complete with  a step by step series of the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like shopping, walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like skiing, dancing and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a balance instructor --- licensed Physical Therapist)---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

  Enjoy safe activities by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

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