Balance Exercises From Days Gone By
Balance exercises are important to perform on a daily basis for those individuals over the age of 60 years old. Balance exercises have been proven to improve balance skills and to reduce the risk and frequency of falling. See Balance exercises are also helpful to improve leg strength, improve ankle mobility and improve overall posture. Balance exercises can be made fun and entertaining by incorporating a game that we played as kids. When we were young, a popular past time was to play "statue" with the neighborhood kids.
Balance Exercises Made Fun Again
Balance exercises can incorporate various activities and challenges. In our youth, one way we advanced our balance abilities was by playing "statue". As older adults, we can make our balance exercise routine entertaining by imagining the game of "statue". As an example, while walking in the hallway we can stop abruptly and hold that position as a statue. The purpose is to maintain a static position and challenge our balance skills, both static and dynamic balance activities. As we progress with the game of "statue" and take on different challenging positions, we can also reflect back on the days of our youth and the fun times of our past.
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