Friday, October 30, 2015

Holiday Kick Off With Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For All Holiday Events

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
  This weekend kicks off the holiday season and you can be steady and ready by practicing your  senior balance exercises  ahead of time. Please see Over the next few months, family and community outings ramp up including
- neighbors coming to the door for Halloween
- food preparation for Thanksgiving
- shopping and gift wrapping for Christmas
- Christmas caroling
- going to Christmas plays and concerts at school and church
-decorating the Christmas tree and hanging outdoor lights and decorations
   There are so many activities to look forward to and to enjoy with friends and family. It is essential to get up to speed on certain balance techniques and senior balance exercises to develop excellent stability and prevent any falls during the holidays.

Senior Balance Exercises For Holiday Safety

   By getting a jump on practicing senior balance exercises before the holidays arrive, you can be prepared with good steadiness during all the challenges that come with holiday festivities. Performing equilibrium routines like centering your body weight in the middle of your feet helps with activities like reaching up or down to decorate for Christmas. By learning how to control your body weight shifting in a slow and controlled manner, you will have adequate stability with cleaning the bathroom or living room or with bending over to take the turkey out of the oven at Thanksgiving. You can practice tandem walking , where you walk down a hallway along a line in a heel to toe fashion. Practicing tandem walking will prepare you for maneuvering down a narrow aisle for a church Christmas service. You can start your holiday training of senior balance exercises now by following along with the instruction of a knowledgeable Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    To prevent falls over the holidays, please initiate a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is a first rate instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, playing golf and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Be safe over the holidays by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pain Relief And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For Stability With Stretches

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
Balance Exercises on a Stand Up Paddle Board
Balance Exercises on a Stand Up Paddle Board
  Most older adults experience some for of pain on a daily basis, which can be reduced by practicing certain fitness regimes, coupled with senior balance exercises to maintain stability during the program. Please see Most older individuals are not going to stand on a paddle board on their head to stretch their muscles, but even senior citizens can lower their pain symptoms by completing a few easy stretches at home. Medical journals reveal that most people in their later years tend to be limited in their motion, mobility and activities due to pain. In fact, one in five adult Americans has arthritis or joint pain. Those numbers equate to more than more than 50 million people. Furthermore,  the number of arthritis sufferers is expected to jump to 67 million by the year 2030. Fortunately, there are effective means to reduce pain including the number one way recommended by doctors and physical therapistsget moving. Don’t worry. I’m not talking about running a marathon. One type of pain relieving movement includes gentle stretching every day, which can help lubricate joints and relieve pain naturally. Here are two examples of simple stretches that can be incorporated into a fitness program at home:
  1. Shoulder Stretch: Stand in an open doorway with your arm raised to a 90-degree angle. Press your hand and shoulder against the wall and doorjamb. You should feel the wall against your armpit. Slowly increase the tension as you push forward. Hold for a 10 count. Then repeat with the other arm.
  2. Hip Flexor Stretch: Stand in a modified runner stance, with your right foot forward and left foot back, feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on your hips. Keep your back and hips in straight alignment. Push forward with your hips, while maintaining your erect posture. Slowly push your hips forward only until you feel a comfortable level of tension. Hold for a 10 count. Switch legs and repeat.
    To maximize your steadiness and effectiveness during these stretches, you can start your daily program with a few quick senior balance exercises.

Senior Balance Exercises Combined With Stretches

    senior balance exercises can be a great warm up before starting your stretches. By focusing on your balance first, you can then perform more effective stretches to reduce pain in the joints. As an example, by starting with standing in a shoulder width a part position with your feet, you can concentrate on centering your body weight in the middle of your arches. Once you have focused on centering your body weight and controlling your balance, then you can move on to the Hip Flexor Stretch described above. You can practice other leg stretches and additional senior balance exercises by following along with the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDExercise For Balance DVD

    Before beginning a series of stretches, please start a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is an excellent educational DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, bocce ball and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Be steady with stretching by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to prevent falling.
For more information see

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Over Estimating And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For Over Stepping

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
   Practicing senior balance exercises can help those older adults who misstep while walking. Please see Too often, people in the aging population fall when going up stairs up or down a curb or with walking on uneven ground. Many times, falling is due to a misstep or not being able to judge the distance or height of a step accurately. As we age, we often have a decline in both vision and proprioception. Visual declines leads to not being able to see distances accurately. Proprioception is part of our sensory system that tells us both where we are in space and how we are moving through space. Losses in vision and sensory feedback results in falling as we trip on a step or misjudge the distance from one step to another. As a result, doctors, nurses and physical therapists suggest to older individuals that they perform senior balance exercises to enhance their stability and sensory feedback.

Senior Balance Exercises To Prevent Tripping

   Rehearsing certain  senior balance exercises can assist in developing necessary balance reactions and needed sensory feedback for good steadiness. By standing with your feet shoulder width a part, you can focus on centering your body weight. With your body weight in the center of your base of support, determined by your feet, you can maximize the sensory input from your feet to the balance center in your brain. Increasing this sensory input will develop better balance reactions, resulting in greater stability and reduced likelihood of falling. You can perform these steadiness techniques and senior balance reactions by following along with the balance program presented in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDPractice Balance Exercises At Home

    To limit falling, please initiate a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is a first rate instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, playing golf and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Stay steady by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Easy Mobility Tips And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises To Stay Mobile

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
   Staying on ones feet is a primary goal of older adults and performing senior balance exercises  on a daily basis is one way to achieve that goal. Please see As Baby Boomers age, the cost of falling creates a heavier burden on the already over taxed healthcare system in our nation. Furthermore, numbers published by the  CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), show that one in every three adults over the age of 65 falls every year, causing moderate to severe injuries such as hip fractures and head/brain injuries that increase the risk of early death. This is an alarming fact that has a huge impact on our medical system.  According to recent research, fatal falls are on the increase among elders. For this reason, medical professionals such as doctors nurses, occupational therapists and physical therapists recommend practicing certain techniques as well as senior balance exercises to minimize the possibility of a fall.

Senior Balance Exercises For Safe Movements

   Knowing which senior balance exercises to perform and knowing specific mobility tips can help you stay on your feet and avoid a fall. Mobility tips can include:
-Concentrate on the sense of touch between your feet and the floor
-Center your body weight in the middle of your feet when you first get up from a chair or bed
-Stay active to maintain good leg muscle strength
-Keep current on your eye glasses prescription
-Ask your doctor if any of your medications might produce dizziness or imbalance
-Perform senior balance exercises every day to keep your balance abilities sharp
   You can practice stability exercises in the comfort of your own home by following along with the instruction of a qualified Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    To stay steady with activities at home, please initiate a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is a first rate instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, playing golf and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Stay mobile by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Monday, October 26, 2015

Weak Core And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For Weak Core Muscles

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
   many factors lead to better steadiness for older adults including performing leg strengthening and core strengthening exercises, senior balance exercises and certain balance techniques. Please see Medical researchers, doctors and physical therapists have concluded that imbalance is a multifactorial scenario.  Some of the factors that lead to a potential fall in the aging population include:
-Core muscle weakness
-Altered muscle activation patterns
-Loss of proprioception and sensory awareness
-Inability to control normal postural sway
   These factors lead to decreased balance and a greater incidence of falling in the geriatric population. Weak core muscles and poor forward posture are main components of this imbalance issue for older adults. Medical researchers have found that older individuals who participate in fitness programs that include both core strengthening routines and senior balance exercises tend to enhance their stability and reduce their rate of falling.

Combine Senior Balance Exercises And Core Strengthening

   Core Strengthening exercises, postural exercises and senior balance exercises all work together to provide a better upright posture and improved stability for daily activities. You can combine these exercises for an easy routine that can be done daily. as an example, you can start with the equilibrium routine of standing with your body weight centered in the middle of your feet. with your body weight centered, you can adopt a good upright position with your head and shoulders back and hips centered under you. Finally, you can strengthen your core muscles by squeezing your shoulder blade muscles together and tightening your lower abdominal muscles. This upright posture will not only help to improve your balance but it will also increase your core muscle strength. You can learn appropriate strengthening exercises and senior balance exercises by participating with the routine laid out for you in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    To overcome weak core muscles, please initiate a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is a first rate instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, playing golf and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Be strong by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Friday, October 23, 2015

Functional Improvements Through Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises Help Function

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via www.exerciseforbalance.comready for balance exercises
    Losing function results in a lower quality of life, but thankfully, performing senior balance exercises on a regular basis can help to improve stability and enhance good living. Please see Function, as determined by Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses and doctors, includes being able to independently perform activities of daily living that can include:
-Independent dressing and grooming
-Cooking and house cleaning activities
-Walking independently inside and outside of the home
-Participating in community and social events like attending concerts, plays, church, family outings
    Higher levels of functional activities include driving, playing sports like golf and tennis, shopping for food and other essentials and maintaining upkeep on a home or living area. To continue with an adequate level of functioning, senior citizens need to maintain their mobility, strength and balance. Having good balance skills is an important component of sustaining function and an exceptional quality of life. Balance exercises are known to help individuals improve balance and reduce the risk and incidence of falling. Equilibrium exercises can include activities such as standing balance and walking balance training.   Stability exercises assist in developing good balance reactions at the ankles. Senior balance exercises also help with functional activities like getting up and down stairs safely and setting your balance point when you get up from a chair so you don't fall forwards.

Senior Balance Exercises For Needed Function

    Medical researchers and healthcare professionals have found that senior balance exercises rehearsed on a consistent basis can enhance stability and improve function. Balance exercises and functional exercises have been a recent focus of researchers. medical investigators have evaluated if performing balance exercises with functional exercises can synergistically improve balance and reduce the risk of falling. de Bruin E.D. and Murer K. in their study, Effect of additional functional exercises on balance in elderly people, looked at the correlation and effects of balance exercises and functional exercises. The researchers Objective was  To evaluate the additional effect of functional exercises on balance and lower extremity function among hostel-dwelling elderly people partaking in strength training. Individuals were divided into groups and given balance exercises, strength training and functional exercises.  A significant difference between groups following training was observed. The researchers Concluded that twice-weekly lower extremity strength training of 12 weeks' duration in hostel-dwelling elderly people only improves task-specific balance performance and lower extremity physical function when additional functional exercises are added. Now, older folks at home can practice specific senior balance exercises and functional strength exercises by following along with the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    For older individuals to enhance function, please begin the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The easy to follow  Balance DVD is a wonderful instructional tool  to use at home or in a group setting. The professionally filmed DVD comes complete with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like cleaning house, walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like playing golf, dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, stability techniques and balance routines from an expert balance instructor ---licensed Physical Therapist--- who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Enhance your function by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Balance Exercises And The Science Of Falls

Balance Exercises Help Keep The Balance System In Shape

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
By practicing balance exercises on a daily basis, older adults and athletes are able to move with optimal steadiness. Please see Because our balance system is so complex, researchers are finding out more and more details of how our equilibrium works. Kelly Frank, researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, and others have been able to determine some of the components of balance including:
- Vision: our eyes tell us what is going on in the environment around us
- Inner Ear: the Vestibular system in the inner ear detects every movement that we make
- Proprioception: the sensory receptors in every muscle, ligament and tendon tell us where we are in space and how we are moving
- Cerebellum: the area of the brain that assimilates motor information and sends out appropriate messages to the muscle for proper firing
All this complex information is transmitted to the balance region of the brain, integrated and relayed to the correct muscles. Researchers now know that people's bodies continually make miniscule adjustments to stride length, step speed, trunk alignment and balance reactions at the ankles during a simple walking pattern. Unfortunately, as we age, the components that make up the complex balance system also age, which leads to diminished stability and a greater risk for falling. As you can see, it is imperative to continue with balance exercises on a consistent basis to keep every balance skill working at its optimal level of function.

Balance Exercises Assist In Preventing Falls

Performing balance exercises every day is critical for improving balance and reducing the risk and incidence of falling. Since the speed and strength of balance reactions at the ankles diminish in later years, it is essential to practice equilibrium routines that stimulate normal balance reactions. One such stability exercises involves standing with one foot in front of the other with a narrow base of support. The  narrow alignment forces the ankles to respond to minute weight shifting with quick corrective movements, enabling you to establish strong balance reactions. you can practice these balance reactions and many others in the comfort of your own home with the exercise for balance dvd, developed by an experienced physical therapist.

Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD

    To keep your balance system working at its optimal functioning level, begin the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The comprehensive Balance DVD is designed for simple use at home or in a group setting. The step by step DVD is loaded with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, balance techniques and balance routines from a balance trainer (licensed Physical Therapist) who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Get ahead of the imbalance curve by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Gait Testing And Senior Balance Exercises

Daily Senior Balance Exercises Improve Gait

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
       Specific components that help improve gait for older adults include both gait testing and practicing senior balance exercises. Please see Healthcare professionals like physical therapists, doctors, nurses and care givers understand that aging individuals need both sides of the equation: testing for imbalance and rehearsing senior balance exercises to maximize  fall prevention. Medical researchers have found that in gait testing, right and left feet are evaluated separately for swing (step length) and clearance, and then compared. Each foot should completely clear the floor and should step completely ahead of the other foot. Comparison includes step symmetry and continuity. Additionally during walking, the path deviation, trunk stability, and stance (normal or wide-based) are evaluated. A score is determined for each section; the total score is the sum of the two sections. Points are lost to varying degrees for requiring assistance, using an aid (cane, walker, furniture), multiple attempts, staggering, asymmetry, sway, and deviation. At first, it seems inherently unfair to consistently subtract points for using an aid (cane, walker), which is used to prevent falls. However, considering that this test determines relative fall risk, and illuminates the potential etiology of this risk, it is understandable that the need for a walking aid demonstrates a patient already at increased risk. A score of 22 or less (total 28) indicates a patient at risk. The true value of this test to the practitioner, the healthcare team, and others is not in the numerical score but in the accompanying comments. These comments should list the individual items with deficiencies and the nature of the deficiencies. Tinetti isolates and tests each element of balance and gait, making it easier to create a differential diagnosis for each deficiency. This helps direct further evaluation to determine the etiology.  Once the etiology is identified, remedy, mitigation, and fall prevention can begin by embarking on a senior balance exercise program.

Key Factor For Stability: Senior Balance Exercises

      By performing senior balance exercises every day, medical researchers have shown that older adults can enhance their steadiness and limit their potential for a fall. Thankfully, now with the exercise for balance dvd there is an accessible home program to complete specific equilibrium routines developed by an experienced Physical Therapist. You can progress through basic stability exercises and advance to more difficult dynamic steadiness routines at your own pace and in the convenience and comfort of your own home. You do not have to worry about how to download a program from the internet onto your computer. You can load the DVD in your player and follow along with the equilibrium and strength exercises easily and simply. Consistent practice of stability exercises is the most effective way to advance balance abilities and minimize the risk of falling. get started today!

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDPractice Balance Exercises At Home

    For anyone who has difficulty with walking, please begin the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The easy to follow Balance DVD is the perfect instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The professionally filmed DVD complete with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like playing tennis, dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a licensed Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

   To improve stability with walking, start balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Home Hazards And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises To Avoid Hazards At Home

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
   Most falls for older adults occur in the home and performing specific senior balance exercises can help improve stability and limit falls. Please see Recently, medical researchers, Susan E Carter, et all published their information on "Environmental hazards in the homes of older people." The researchers looked at the types of hazards found in the homes of aging individuals that most frequently cause falls. The researchers found that 80% (n = 542) of homes inspected had at least one hazard and 39% (n = 164) had 5 hazards. The bathroom was identified as the most hazardous room, with 66% (n = 279) of bathrooms having at least one hazard. Hazards relating to floor surfaces (62% of homes had one ‘flooring’ hazard) and absence of appropriate grab or handrails (60% of homes had one or more hazards relating to this) were prevalent. Eighty-eight percent (n = 374) of older people were able to identify falls as the most common cause of injury and 87% (n = 368) were able to accurately name at least one safety measure. Furthermore, although a significant association was found between the older people's self-assessment of their home's safety and the presence of more than 5 hazards, 30% of those rating their homes as very safe (n = 289) had more than 5 hazards. As a result, medical researchers as well as doctors, nurses, and physical therapists recommend that older folks receive balance training and rehearse senior balance exercises to enhance their stability and reduce the potential of a fall in the home.

Senior Balance Exercises For Safety At Home

    Certain senior balance exercises can be practiced every day to increase steadiness for activities in the home. Since researchers found that the bathroom can be one of the areas that leads to the highest incidence of falls, you can perform equilibrium routines that pertain to the challenges found in maneuvering in the bathroom. As an example, you can perform a stability exercise where you stand with your feet shoulder width a part and center your body weight in the middle of your arches. With your body weight centered, you can step one leg to the side and back together, one leg forwards and back together and one leg behind and back together. You can progress this steadiness routine by steeping in a circle, keeping your body weight centered in the middle of your arches. Additionally, please be sure to remove any hazards that you could trip on in the bathroom like clothes of towels laying on the floor. Furthermore, you can install grab bars in the bathroom for additional safety. You can rehearse these balance techniques and senior balance exercises by joining in under the direction of a qualified Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    To be safe at home, please initiate a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is a first rate instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, playing golf and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

 Live safely at home by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tea Parties And Senior Balance Exercises

Practice Senior Balance Exercises For Social Events

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via www.exerciseforbalance.comJohn & Ann Betar, 101 & 97 yrs, married 80
  Getting out to participate in various social activities is extremely important for older individuals and performing  senior balance exercises  on a regular basis will help to enhance stability and enable you to get out of the house safely. Please see For many senior citizens, fear of falling is a very real and overwhelming drive that keeps them indoors, limiting them from enjoying vital social events like tea parties, family gatherings, potluck dinners at church, going to the movies, watching a grandchild play soccer or perform in a school play and so much more. Thankfully, medical researchers have proven that by rehearsing certain senior balance exercises every day, older folks are able to advance their balance abilities and reduce their risk of falling. Improved balance leads to a more independent and fulfilling lifestyle.

Perform Senior Balance Exercises Before Outings

   By performing a regular routine of senior balance exercises in combination with strengthening and stretching exercises for the lower legs, you will be able to stay on your feet and get out and enjoy life beyond your four walls. You can easily complete simple leg strengthening routines like mini squats and toe raises (where you lift your heels off the floor and raise up on your toes). You can also practice equilibrium routines like standing with your feet in a tandem position, one foot in front of the other foot. In this tandem stance you will notice your feet and ankles moving quickly back and forth, responding to the minute changes in your balance. Standing in this fashion will develop strong and fast balance reactions, which are necessary for good steadiness. You can perform these leg strengthening and senior balance exercises in the comfort of your own home in preparation for enjoying tea parties and other outside events by following the direction of a knowledgeable Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    To be safe with activities outside the home, please initiate a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is an excellent educational DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, bocce ball and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Enjoy life by practicing balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Friday, October 16, 2015

Fitness Activities And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For Fitness Regimes

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
  A daily dose of fitness activities including practicing senior balance exercises  can keep older adults independent and enjoying their lives. Please see Nowadays, it would be difficult to find a senior citizen who does not know that regular physical activity can reduce the risk of a variety of serious ailments. An active lifestyle, however, can become challenging as aging bodies become more susceptible to arthritis, joint pains, imbalance and other health problems. There are, however, several easy and fun to perform routines that aging individuals can complete in the comfort of their own home. One example is aerobic activites to build endurance in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Endurance, or aerobic activities, increase your breathing and heartbeat, which helps to improve heart and lung health. This can make chores like vacuuming and raking the yard easier to do. One of the easiest forms of endurance work is brisk walking. Often times, you can participate in exercise classes at your local community or senior center. As much as possible, try to exercise with another person, whether in your home or outside. Another form of fitness that you can include in a a home program is strength training. Strength exercises help build up muscle and bone, counteracting the weakness that can come with aging. Even slight improvements in muscle strength can go a long way in facilitating independence and to be able to do activities like carrying groceries, sweeping, and getting up from a chair. Seated movements such as toe stands, knee curls, and leg extensions do not require dumbbells. Do strength-training exercises two to three times a week rather than daily, so muscles can recover, and you slowly, safely build intensity. Additionally, performing senior balance exercises help you to enhance stability and perform the other fitness activities safely and with  more confidence.

Senior Balance Exercises Paired With Fitness Programs

    senior balance exercises can be coupled with strength training and aerobic routines to experience a comprehensive fitness program. You can learn how to correctly perform strengthening exercises for the legs, aerobic activities like walking and senior balance exercises by following the instruction of a qualified Physical Therapist in the exercise for balance DVD. You can practice these exercises in the comfort of your own home at the time of your convenience.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDPractice Balance Exercises At Home

    To get going on a home fitness program, please begin with a series of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is an excellent educational DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, bocce ball and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Start your fitness program with balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Balance Exercises To Stay Out Of A Nursing Home

Balance Exercises Help Keep You Out Of A Nursing Home

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
    Balance exercises are one of the key components that help to improve balance and prevent falls, keeping you out of a nursing home. Please see  Medical researchers have identified four key areas that strongly predict an elderly person's transition from independent living to a long-term care home. Those predictors include:
- falls and fall-related injuries
- urinary incontinence
- dementia
- social isolation

Balance Exercises And Hard Cold Facts

    Balance exercises have been studied by researchers to determine their effectiveness on reducing the risk and frequency of falling. Although estimates of fall rates vary widely based on the location, age, and living arrangements of the elderly population, it is estimated that each year approximately 30% of community-dwelling individuals aged 65 and older, and 50% of those aged 85 and older will fall. Of those individuals who fall, 12% to 42% will have a fall-related injury. Additionally, studies have identified falls and fall-related injuries as a strong predictor of admission to a long-term care home. Researchers have indicated that the risk of long term care home admission is over five times higher in seniors who experienced two or more falls without injury, and over ten times higher in seniors who experienced a fall causing serious injury. To summarize, falls are the leading indicator of a senior transitioning from independent living to becoming a resident at a long term home care facility. The good news is that now there is an excellent, easy to use tool to practice balance exercises at home with an expert in the balance field. The Exercise For Balance DVD was developed to help seniors perform stability exercises in the comfort of their own home at the convenience of their own pace.

Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD

    To keep you on your feet and out of a nursing home, begin balance exercises the Exercise For Balance DVD. The  Balance DVD is designed to use at home or in a group setting. The DVD comes complete with clearly demonstrated balance and strength exercises that are needed to enhance senior safety and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or if appropriate to advance to high level activities like dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn step by step how to improve balance, balance techniques and balance routines from a licensed Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

To stay out of a nursing home, start balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Common Gait Disorders And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises Help With Walking Difficulties

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via www.exerciseforbalance.comReady for balance exercises...
      As we grow into our later years, we all tend to experience specific declines in the components that make up gait, and practicing senior balance exercises can minimize those deficits and limit the possibility of a fall. Please see In our twilight years, we all succumb to varying levels of weakness in our leg muscles. Additionally, the balance reactions at our feet and ankles become slower and weaker, thereby being less responsive to changes in footing and more apt to lead to a fall. In our later years, our vision declines, which also effects our balance abilities. Furthermore, the inner ear balance system called the vestibular system also declines, leading to disequilibrium and falling. With these musculoskeletal and neurological deficits, many older adults experience common problems with their gait. Examples can include but are not limited to:
-Cerebellar ataxia- which is seen as dysdiadochokinesia; dysmetria; impaired check; intention tremor; nystagmus; postural instability; and rebound
-Choreic- which is seen as dance-like; irregular; slow; spontaneous knee flexion and leg rising; wide-based gait
-Dystonic which is seen as abnormal posture of foot or leg; distorted gait; foot dragging; hyperflexion of hips
-Hemiparetic which is seen as extension and circumduction of weak and spastic limb; flexed arm

Try Senior Balance Exercises To Improve Stability With Walking

      For older adults who suffer with gait problems, the best way to enhance your steadiness is to perform specific senior balance exercises on a regular basis. You can begin with simple equilibrium routines like standing with your feet shoulder width apart and centering your weight in the middle of your feet. By practicing centering your body weight, you will develop strong connections between the sensory input in your feet and the balance center in your brain. This is one way to enhance your stability and it is a critical stability technique that should be employed with all other steadiness routines like standing on one foot or standing in a tandem position. you can practice these stability techniques and other certain senior balance exercises, which were formulated by an experienced Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    To become more stable with walking, begin the best balance exercises available with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The Exercise For Balance DVD is easy to follow and an excellent tool to use at home or in a group setting. The Exercise For Balance DVD comes complete with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like cleaning the house, walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like playing tennis, dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a balance instructor--- licensed Physical Therapist--- who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

  Be safe while walking by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Autumn Colors And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises To Enjoy Autumn Beauty

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
  Practicing senior balance exercises  every day can help you get out and enjoy the beautiful Fall colors safely. Please see In our neck of the woods, Fall has been spectacular this year with stunning yellows and reds on the trees, scrub oak and mountainside. One of the tremendous pleasures of the Fall season is to get out and enjoy activities like hiking in the woods, going to a football game, taking the grandkids to a pumpkin patch. To ensure that all of those outdoor activities are safe and free of falling, it is essential to perform specific senior balance exercises to enhance stability and help you master uneven terrain.

Senior Balance Exercises For The Great Outdoors

  Performing  senior balance exercises every day will assist in developing adequate stability to get out and enjoy the beauty of fall without worrying about taking a spill. One specific equilibrium routine that helps establish steadiness on the trails is to rehearse tandem walking. You can practice tandem walking indoors by walking along a line, heel to toe, down a hallway. Tandem walking in a narrow base of support challenges your natural balance reactions at your feet and ankles. As you walk along a line, you will notice that your ankles are wobbling vigorously to keep you upright. Those quick movements at your ankles are your balance reactions adjusting to minute changes in your body weight. once you develop strong and fast balance reactions indoors you can transition to walking outdoors on trails, golf courses and hiking paths, enjoying the wonderful beauty of fall. You can learn how to perform tandem walking and other senior balance exercises by following the lead of a qualified Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    To be safe outdoors, please initiate a program of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare professional recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is an excellent educational DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of up to date balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to perform basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult activities like skiing, dancing, bocce ball and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, steadiness techniques and balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

 Be safe this season by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see