Senior Balance Exercises Helps With Leg Weakness
By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via www.exerciseforbalance.comSenior balance exercises are an essential component of a rehabilitation program for older adults, especially those folks who have leg weakness. Please see Medical researchers have determined that leg weakness can lead to diminished balance as well as problems with functional activities like navigating stairs or getting out of a chair safely. Maritz CA, McCray S, Bell J are researchers who studied the correlation of balance problems and lower extremity weakness. They found that age-related lower extremity weakness leads to difficulty with stair negotiation, gait, and balance. The purpose of their study was to evaluate and compare the impact of functional walking training on hip strength, balance, and functional mobility among community-dwelling working and retired older adults. Their study involved having subjects exercise with resistance to their lower legs. The researchers found that resistance training had a positive effect on balance abilities. In conclusion: A resisted functional walking program resulted in significant improvements in function and strength in both working and retired older adults. Functional walking with resistance allows older adults to benefit without having them assume difficult exercise positions. This exercise protocol can be easily modified for the clinical setting and be used in falls prevention programs.
Senior Balance Exercises And Resistance Training
researchers found that performing strengthening exercises and senior balance exercises can help improve functional activities like walking, getting out of a chair, going up and down stairs and much more. To make the most out of an exercise program, it is important to include both strengthening exercises and equilibrium routines. The combination of strength and stability workouts maximizes functional abilities to perform daily routines in the house as safely as possible. Strong leg muscles are needed to contract quickly and robustly to changing body weight as a person moves down a hallway up stairs or turns in a kitchen or bathroom. Now, there is an exceptional educational tool that contains both balance exercises and strength training to enhance safety and steadiness for all movement activities. In the exercise for balance dvd, which was developed by an experienced physical therapist, you can follow along with the stability routines and the resistance strength training program designed to build stronger calf and thigh muscles, which are needed for getting out of a chair, walking, going up and down stairs and for many other movement activities.
Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
To Learn the best strengthening and balance exercises, get the Exercise For Balance DVD. The professionally filmed Balance DVD is easy to use at home or in a group setting. The comprehensive DVD comes complete with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, balance techniques and balance routines from a balance trainer (licensed Physical Therapist) who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW buttonTo maximize stability, start strength and balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
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