Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Balance Exercises Related To Hearing And Vision

Balance Exercises Related To Hearing And Vision

Balance exercises are important as we age. Performing balance exercises daily helps offset the aged related detrioration of important balance system components including vision and inner ear function, as correlated with hearing. The three main components of the balance system, our vision, our inner ear function, called the vestibular system, and the sensation from our feet and ankles all are compromised as we age into our 60's. See Now, there is recent information on how balance exercises, hearing and vision all affect balance abilities and the risk of falling.

Balance Exercises As Related To Hearing And Vision

Balance exercises were studied in relation to hearing and vision impairments by Gerson L.W., Jarjoura D. and McCord G. in the study, Risk Of Imbalance In Elderly People With Impaired Hearing Or Vision. The effect of impaired hearing and vision on balance in a sample of 977 elderly people residing in the community was evaluated. Of the sample, 21% reported balance problems, 27% vision problems, and 30% hearing problems. The increased relative risk for balance problems was 1.7 for each 10-year age increment. Women were 1.7 times more likely to report balance problems than were men. The relative risk of imbalance with impaired vision decreased with age from 2.8 in those aged 65-69 years to 1.0 in those over 85 years. There was no age-hearing interaction, the relative risk for impaired hearing is 1.6. CONCLUSION: It appears that impaired vision and hearing are important risk factors for imbalance and perhaps falls and injury.

Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD

Balance exercises, balance techniques and how the balance system works are just some of the relevant topics explained in the Exercise For Balance DVD. The Exercise For Balance DVD shows how the eyes, inner ear and sensation from feet information all work together to enable the body to balance and how each of those systems become compromised with age. The Exercise For Balance DVD is the perfect Balance DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, balance techniques and balance exercises from a balance trainer (licensed Physical Therapist) who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

Start balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD now before you begin experiencing visual and hearing changes that affect your balance.

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