Friday, November 7, 2014

Benefits Of Vestibualr Rehabilitation And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For Those With Dizziness

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via www.exerciseforbalance.cominner ear vestibular organ
    Symptoms of dizziness and imbalance plague individuals who are over sixty years of age, and performing senior balance exercises can be a great help to them. Please see Those in the healthcare profession who track the numbers of patients with dizziness or those in the aging population who fall secondary to balance problems have recorded that  half of people age 70 and older struggle with symptoms of imbalance and dizziness due to a vestibular disorder (inner ear problem) named benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Older adults who suffer with disequilibrium and vertigo are often referred to physical therapy for Vestibular rehabilitation therapy, which is used by audiologists, physical and occupational therapists , and physicians as a treatment and management strategy for patients with a vestibular dysfunction because of a vestibular disease or disorder. A Johns Hopkins study showed about 85% of all dizziness or vertigo symptoms are a result of either damage or wear to the inner ear. Other common causes of vestibular dysfunction include:
cardiovascular issues
migraine (vestibular)
vestibular neuritis
shingles (herpes simplex)
traumatic brain injury
autoimmune disorders
labyrinthine concussion
Menieres disease
    There are three different approaches to therapy based on the causes for dizziness and disequilibrium. Vestibular Therapy often includes canal repositioning techniques and habituation exercises to address the symptoms of vertigo. All patients, however, participate in balance exercises to improve their steadiness and elevate their safety and  quality of life.

Senior Balance Exercises Help With Disequilibrium

    For older adults who suffer with dizziness and imbalance, participating in Vestibular Therapy and senior balance exercises can help improve your symptoms of vertigo and effects of disequilibrium. Simple stability routines can be performed at home on a daily basis to enhance steadiness with all movement activities. These steadiness exercises can be as basic as standing near a table, counter or other stable surface and weight bear on one foot. In that single stance position, the goal is to maintain that position for twenty seconds. during that time frame, you will develop strong balance reactions at the feet and ankles as well as build strong leg muscles that are necessary for good balance. You can learn these senior balance exercises by following along with the instruction of an experienced Physical Therapist in the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDPractice Balance Exercises At Home

    For those with balance problems for any reason, please begin  the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The easy to follow Exercise For Balance DVD is a wonderful instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The Exercise For Balance DVD comes filled  with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, grocery shopping, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like navigating narrow aisles,  dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, stability strategies and balance routines from a balance and mobility instructor--- licensed Physical Therapist--- who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

  Enjoy a quality life by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

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