Senior Balance Exercises Improve Functional Mobility
By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via senior balance exercises every day is a great way to increase steadiness and decrease the risk of falling for older adults. Equilibrium exercises are important to practice to improve functional mobility. Functional mobility includes specific categories of movements that are necessary to maintain a safe and active life each and every day for all of us. Functional mobility can include:
-Walking up and down stairs
-Going up and down curbs
-Walking on uneven surfaces like grass or thick carpet
-Getting up and down from a chair or in and out of bed safely and smoothly
In our physical therapy clinic, we evaluate our patient's on their abilities to perform functional activities of in the home and outside the home to measure their safety and risk for falling. Additionally, by specifically addressing functional needs, we are able to apply specific balance programs to insure the individual’s safety at home and outside the home. Please see
Senior Balance Exercises Enhance Functional Mobility
Practicing senior balance exercises on a consistent basis is critical to maximize balance abilities to insure safety with all functional mobility tasks. For instance, a balance exercise program can begin with learning how to center ones on a mass over there base of support when rising from a chair. By aligning a person’s balance point over their base of support, they will diminish the opportunity to fall forwards when they get up and out of a chair. Additionally, by practicing advance stability exercises on balance equipment like a soft couch cushion, the person can develop strong balance reactions at the feet and ankles, which are needed for walking on uneven surfaces like a carpet, grass or hiking trails. Furthermore, older adults often lose their balance and fall going up or down stairs. By practicing specific weight shifting stability exercises, the person can learn how to control their body weight momentum to make climbing stairs more safe and efficient. These specific balance techniques as well as a progressive senior balance exercise program has been developed by an experienced physical therapist and made available in the Exercise For Balance DVD.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
To become more steady on your feet, begin the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The Balance DVD is designed for simple use at home or in a group setting. The easy to follow DVD is loaded with the best balance and strength exercises needed to enhance senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to advance to high level activities like dancing and hiking. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve balance, balance techniques and balance routines from a balance trainer --licensed Physical Therapist-- who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button Stay safe by starting balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
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