Balance Exercises For After Hip Surgery
Balance exercises are necessary to perform after hip surgery. During the process of a hip replacement surgery, the muscles in the hip are cut in order to insert the new hip components. Consequently, after hip surgery the muscles are in a weakened state. Because of hip muscle weakness, the patient walks with a noticeable limp. That gait pattern tends to throw the person off-balance. Therefore, balance exercises and strength exercises are important to help the recovery following hip surgery. 
Balance Exercises Following Hip Surgery
Balance exercises should be performed after hip surgery to counteract the decrease in balance abilities that follow surgery. Balance exercises should focus on using the sense of touch between the feet and the floor for sensory feedback to improve balance. Balance exercises should also include improving balance with walking and improving balance with standing. Balance exercises can be progressed to include challenge to balance activities on foam or rocker boards.
Watch a short video clip on using balance exercise equipment:
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is an excellent tool to help improve balance following hip surgery. The Exercised For Balance DVD can be used at home or in a skilled nursing facility prior to returning home. In The Exercise For Balance DVD you will learn from an expert physical therapist how to balance and the best balance and strength exercises needed to improve balance following surgery. The Exercise For Balance DVD will help you progress your balance abilities to return to your previous activities. To order your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD, click on the buy now button
Start your balance exercises following hip surgery as soon as possible with the Exercise For Balance DVD!!
Start your balance exercises following hip surgery as soon as possible with the Exercise For Balance DVD!!
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