Sunday, October 2, 2011

Balance Training In The Real World

Balance Training In The Great Outdoors

Just for fun , today lets look at balance training and balance exercises in the great outdoors.

Video 13 (trimmed-6) Here is a short video to demonstrate balance exercises for balance training in the woods. The video demonstrates some basic principles of balance and balance training. As the hiker walks along the logs, you can see that it is imperative for her to concentrate on the sense of touch between her feet and the logs. Using that sense of touch is essential to all of us to not only maintain but also to improve balance whether we are at home doing activities like walking up stairs or in the woods crossing a stream on a log.

Components Of Balance Training In The Wild

Concentrating on the sense of touch between our feet and the underlying surface is a specific part of balance training. Another component of balance training is to adjust the base of support to make the balance exercise more challenging. The easiest form of balance training is to stand with feet shoulder width apart and eyes open. A more difficult balance exercise is to stand with one foot directly behind the other, touching heel to toe. In that tandem position, you are in what we call a narrow base of support, much like the hiker on the video. That tandem position will really challenge your balance. Doing balance exercises in a tandem position will gradually improve balance over time. Consequently, all balance training should include tandem balance exercises.

Balance Training With The Exercise For Balance DVD

In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn the best balance exercises, including tandem balance activities. The DVD is set up to challenge your balance at many different levels, allowing you to improve balance through specific balance training. Get your Exercise For Balance DVD now by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see

Start your balance training today and have fun!!!

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