Monday, October 31, 2011
Exercises For Balance With Cognitive Training
The study concludes that elderly people who practice exercises for balance and thinking tasks together have better balance with walking and are less likely to fall. The Exercise For Balance DVD can assist in teaching you how to perform the right exercises for balance to help improve balance and reduce falls. One way you can progress the exercises for balance on the DVD is to add cognitive tasks like counting or reading. That will help to maximize your brain integration abilities, improve balance and mimic activities of daily living where we all think about other things while engaging our balance system., October 29, 2011
Senior Fitness And Balance Training
Senior Fitness Emphasis Including Balance Exercises
Senior fitness seems to be growing in popularity more and more these days. Thankfully, there is an increasing emphasis on senior fitness at local gyms. For example, Silversneakers is a great program for seniors to exercise and increase fitness through nearby gyms and their insurance companies. Lots of research shows that improving fitness levels in seniors can help to decrease disease processes, and enhance general health and overall well-being. Exercise has been documented to improve emotional states, energy level and so much more.Senior Fitness Should Include Balance Exercises
Balance exercises are a critical component of senior fitness and senior exercises. Since statistics show an increasing frequency of falling and injuries due to falls in the older adult population, it is imperative to add balance exercises to senior fitness programs. Balance exercises can be performed in a class setting that is geared towards senior fitness. Additionally, balance exercises can be practiced at home to also help advance senior fitness and activity level.Senior Fitness Programs Can Include Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is a wonderful balance DVD to use at home. The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to improve senior fitness and to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing. The Exercise For Balance DVD is the perfect balance equipment. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from a balance trainer (licensed Physical Therapist) who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years and who has taught senior balance exercises to enhance senior fitness. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW buttonor see
Improve your senior fitness levels with the Exercise For Balance DVD today!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Physical Activity and Balance Exercises
Balance Exercises Related to Senior Health
Thanks to our friends at Evergreen Rehabilitation, we are reminded that physical activity can be beneficial for all older adults.
Physical Activity and Older Americans

Physical Activity and Older Americans
Balance Exercises Are Important In Physical Activity
As we can see from the chart, balance exercises really are a cornerstone for physical activity. We are reminded to stay physically active for good health as we age. Often times, without good balance we are unable to continue in good physical exercises like walking or biking that is needed for prospering our health. Balance exercises are key to practice with physical activity as we get older to reduce the risk of falling with activity or just in our daily lives--walking, stairs, cleaning the house, etc.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to show you how to improve balance to tackle higher level physical activities. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from a licensed Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders and fitness for seniors for over 20 years.
Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
----Start your balance exercises today!!!
Thanks to our friends at Evergreen Rehabilitation, we are reminded that physical activity can be beneficial for all older adults.
Physical Activity and Older Americans
Physical Activity and Older Americans
Balance Exercises Are Important In Physical Activity
As we can see from the chart, balance exercises really are a cornerstone for physical activity. We are reminded to stay physically active for good health as we age. Often times, without good balance we are unable to continue in good physical exercises like walking or biking that is needed for prospering our health. Balance exercises are key to practice with physical activity as we get older to reduce the risk of falling with activity or just in our daily lives--walking, stairs, cleaning the house, etc.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to show you how to improve balance to tackle higher level physical activities. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from a licensed Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders and fitness for seniors for over 20 years.
Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
----Start your balance exercises today!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Balance Exercises For Water Sports
Balance Exercises For High Level Activities: Surfing
Today, lets look at a fun, high level balance activity-- SURFING
Take a look at this quick video clip of surfing:balance on a board
In the sport of surfing, the surfer is balancing on an unstable board that is simultaneously speeding down a fast, crashing wave. Even though surfing is an incredibly hard sport that requires extreme balance ability, the balance techniques needed in surfing are the same basic principles of balance that we use everyday.
Common Balance Exercises and Balance Techniques
There are several basic balance techniques and balance exercises for all of us, whether we are riding on a board on a wave or walking down stairs in our homes. The first balance technique is to center our balance in the base of support beneath our feet. That becomes our center balance point that the brain uses for anchoring us to remain upright for both surfing and walking. Next, we need to master static and dynamic balance techniques. Static balance is being able to stand still with the balance point centered in our feet no matter what the surface below us is doing. Dynamic balance is being able to maintain our upright position while we are moving, for instance when one leg swings forward during walking, or when our surfboard is moving on the wave below us. There are basic balance exercises to perform to improve both static and dynamic balance no matter what your activity level is.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For balance DVD
The specific balance exercises needed for any activity level can be learned in the Exercise For Balance DVD. In the DVD an expert Physical Therapist specializing in balance and dizziness disorders will instruct you in the best balance exercises and strength exercises you need to perform at your highest level.
Get your Exercises For Balance DVD today- click on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
Today, lets look at a fun, high level balance activity-- SURFING
Take a look at this quick video clip of surfing:balance on a board
In the sport of surfing, the surfer is balancing on an unstable board that is simultaneously speeding down a fast, crashing wave. Even though surfing is an incredibly hard sport that requires extreme balance ability, the balance techniques needed in surfing are the same basic principles of balance that we use everyday.
Common Balance Exercises and Balance Techniques
There are several basic balance techniques and balance exercises for all of us, whether we are riding on a board on a wave or walking down stairs in our homes. The first balance technique is to center our balance in the base of support beneath our feet. That becomes our center balance point that the brain uses for anchoring us to remain upright for both surfing and walking. Next, we need to master static and dynamic balance techniques. Static balance is being able to stand still with the balance point centered in our feet no matter what the surface below us is doing. Dynamic balance is being able to maintain our upright position while we are moving, for instance when one leg swings forward during walking, or when our surfboard is moving on the wave below us. There are basic balance exercises to perform to improve both static and dynamic balance no matter what your activity level is.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For balance DVD
The specific balance exercises needed for any activity level can be learned in the Exercise For Balance DVD. In the DVD an expert Physical Therapist specializing in balance and dizziness disorders will instruct you in the best balance exercises and strength exercises you need to perform at your highest level.
Get your Exercises For Balance DVD today- click on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Balance Exercise Results
Results Of Studies On Balance Exercise
As time goes on, more and more research comes out about the benefits of doing balance exercise with older adults. For example, Badke M.B., Shea T.A., Miedaner J.A. and Grove C.R. recently published a study that showed Outcomes after Rehabilitation for Adults with Balance Dysfunction.
Their goal was to assess balance, dynamic gait, and dynamic visual acuity outcomes after a vestibular and balance rehabilitation program and to determine which variables were significantly associated with improved balance and ambulation.
Positive Results of Balance Exercise
The good news is that the researchers found significantly positive effects of balance exercise. The results detailed that Patients showed functional improvements in balance, visual acuity, and gait stability after balance and vestibular physical therapy.
Now there is a tool to reproduce those results of improved balance at home......
Balance Exercise Instruction In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to improve balance to tackle higher level activities. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from an expert Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 24 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
As time goes on, more and more research comes out about the benefits of doing balance exercise with older adults. For example, Badke M.B., Shea T.A., Miedaner J.A. and Grove C.R. recently published a study that showed Outcomes after Rehabilitation for Adults with Balance Dysfunction.
Their goal was to assess balance, dynamic gait, and dynamic visual acuity outcomes after a vestibular and balance rehabilitation program and to determine which variables were significantly associated with improved balance and ambulation.
Positive Results of Balance Exercise
The good news is that the researchers found significantly positive effects of balance exercise. The results detailed that Patients showed functional improvements in balance, visual acuity, and gait stability after balance and vestibular physical therapy.
Now there is a tool to reproduce those results of improved balance at home......
Balance Exercise Instruction In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to perform basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing or to improve balance to tackle higher level activities. In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from an expert Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 24 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
Monday, October 24, 2011
Balance Exercises And Athletic Performance
Balance Exercises Enhance Athletic Performance
A study was done by Hrysomallis C. and reported in Sports Medicine that looked at how balance exercises effect athletes.
The relationship between balance ability and sport injury risk has been established in many cases, but the relationship between balance ability and athletic performance is less clear. This review compares the balance ability of athletes from different sports, determines if there is a difference in balance ability of athletes at different levels of competition within the same sport, determines the relationship of balance ability with performance measures and examines the influence of balance exercises on sport performance or motor skills.
Balance Exercises Are Critical In Most Sports
Based on the available data from cross-sectional studies, gymnasts tended to have the best balance ability, followed by soccer players, swimmers, active control subjects and then basketball players. Surprisingly, no studies were found that compared the balance ability of rifle shooters with other athletes. There were some sports, such as rifle shooting, soccer and golf, where elite athletes were found to have superior balance ability compared with their less proficient counterparts, but this was not found to be the case for alpine skiing, surfing and judo. Balance ability was shown to be significantly related to rifle shooting accuracy, archery shooting accuracy, ice hockey maximum skating speed and simulated luge start speed, but not for baseball pitching accuracy or snowboarding ranking points. Prospective studies have shown that the addition of a balance exercises component to the activities of recreationally active subjects or physical education students has resulted in improvements in vertical jump, agility, shuttle run and downhill slalom skiing.
Effects Of Balance Exercises
A proposed mechanism for the enhancement in motor skills from balance exercises is an increase in the rate of force development. There are limited data on the influence of balance exercises on motor skills of elite athletes. When the effectiveness of balance exercises was compared with resistance training, it was found that resistance training produced superior performance results for jump height and sprint time.Balance ability was related to competition level for some sports, with the more proficient athletes displaying greater balance ability. There were significant relationships between balance ability and a number of performance measures. Evidence from prospective studies supports the notion that balance exercises can be a worthwhile adjunct to the usual training of non-elite athletes to enhance certain motor skills, but not in place of other conditioning such as resistance training.
Learn Balance Exercises With The Exercise For Balance DVD
The basic principles of balance and proper Balance Exercises are detailed in the Exercise For Balance DVD, an instructional DVD presented by an experienced Physical Therapist. To order your DVD, click BUY NOW or see
Start your balance exercises today!!!
A study was done by Hrysomallis C. and reported in Sports Medicine that looked at how balance exercises effect athletes.
The relationship between balance ability and sport injury risk has been established in many cases, but the relationship between balance ability and athletic performance is less clear. This review compares the balance ability of athletes from different sports, determines if there is a difference in balance ability of athletes at different levels of competition within the same sport, determines the relationship of balance ability with performance measures and examines the influence of balance exercises on sport performance or motor skills.
Balance Exercises Are Critical In Most Sports
Based on the available data from cross-sectional studies, gymnasts tended to have the best balance ability, followed by soccer players, swimmers, active control subjects and then basketball players. Surprisingly, no studies were found that compared the balance ability of rifle shooters with other athletes. There were some sports, such as rifle shooting, soccer and golf, where elite athletes were found to have superior balance ability compared with their less proficient counterparts, but this was not found to be the case for alpine skiing, surfing and judo. Balance ability was shown to be significantly related to rifle shooting accuracy, archery shooting accuracy, ice hockey maximum skating speed and simulated luge start speed, but not for baseball pitching accuracy or snowboarding ranking points. Prospective studies have shown that the addition of a balance exercises component to the activities of recreationally active subjects or physical education students has resulted in improvements in vertical jump, agility, shuttle run and downhill slalom skiing.
Effects Of Balance Exercises
A proposed mechanism for the enhancement in motor skills from balance exercises is an increase in the rate of force development. There are limited data on the influence of balance exercises on motor skills of elite athletes. When the effectiveness of balance exercises was compared with resistance training, it was found that resistance training produced superior performance results for jump height and sprint time.Balance ability was related to competition level for some sports, with the more proficient athletes displaying greater balance ability. There were significant relationships between balance ability and a number of performance measures. Evidence from prospective studies supports the notion that balance exercises can be a worthwhile adjunct to the usual training of non-elite athletes to enhance certain motor skills, but not in place of other conditioning such as resistance training.
Learn Balance Exercises With The Exercise For Balance DVD
The basic principles of balance and proper Balance Exercises are detailed in the Exercise For Balance DVD, an instructional DVD presented by an experienced Physical Therapist. To order your DVD, click BUY NOW or see
Start your balance exercises today!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Balance Exercises Help Improve Safety On Stairs
Balance Exercises Can Steady Us On Stairs
How often have you heard of someone taking a tumble down the stairs and fracturing a foot or hand? Unfortunately, that scenario occurs all too often. There are some specific balance techniques and balance exercises that can help to reduce the risk of falling down stairs. Walking down stairs is a complex dance of static and dynamic challenges. One foot has to remain balanced statically on one step while the other foot moves dynamically to the next step. With both static and dynamic activities, we must have a good sense of our balance point within our body.
Balance Exercises Help Us With Challenged Balance Activities
One of the first balance exercises is to find one's balance point within the body. Another one of the popular balance exercises is to stand on one foot statically, just like the foot on the top stair. Additionally, one of the more difficult balance exercises involves dynamically moving the non weight bearing foot while standing on one leg. Again, that simulates the free foot moving towards the lower stair.
Learn Proper Balance Exercises With The Exercise For Balance DVD
In the Exercise For Balance DVD an expert Physical Therapist will teach you the necessary balance techniques and balance exercises to improve both static and dynamic balance. You will learn how to find your balance point and which balance exercises to do on a daily basis in order to keep from falling on stairs and at home.
To order your DVD and exercises sheet, click on BUY NOWor see
Start your balance exercises today!!!
How often have you heard of someone taking a tumble down the stairs and fracturing a foot or hand? Unfortunately, that scenario occurs all too often. There are some specific balance techniques and balance exercises that can help to reduce the risk of falling down stairs. Walking down stairs is a complex dance of static and dynamic challenges. One foot has to remain balanced statically on one step while the other foot moves dynamically to the next step. With both static and dynamic activities, we must have a good sense of our balance point within our body.
Balance Exercises Help Us With Challenged Balance Activities
One of the first balance exercises is to find one's balance point within the body. Another one of the popular balance exercises is to stand on one foot statically, just like the foot on the top stair. Additionally, one of the more difficult balance exercises involves dynamically moving the non weight bearing foot while standing on one leg. Again, that simulates the free foot moving towards the lower stair.
Learn Proper Balance Exercises With The Exercise For Balance DVD
In the Exercise For Balance DVD an expert Physical Therapist will teach you the necessary balance techniques and balance exercises to improve both static and dynamic balance. You will learn how to find your balance point and which balance exercises to do on a daily basis in order to keep from falling on stairs and at home.
To order your DVD and exercises sheet, click on BUY NOWor see
Start your balance exercises today!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Balance Exercises And Balance Confidence
Balance Exercises To Help Balance Confidence
Recent studies have shown that balance exercises do in fact improve balance and reduce the risks of falling. Lets look at a study that paired balance exercises with confidence in ones balance and ability to keep from falling.
Interventions aiming at balance confidence improvement in older adults (Büla C.J., Monod S., Hoskovec C. and Rochat S.)
Loss of balance confidence is a frequent condition that affects 20-75% of community-dwelling older persons. Although a recent fall is a common trigger, loss of balance confidence also appears independent of previous experience with falls. Maintaining or improving balance confidence is important to avoid unnecessary, self-imposed restrictions of activity and subsequent disability.
Holding another person's hand or using an assistive device while walking are simple interventions that are used naturally to address poor balance confidence in daily life. However, more complex interventions, including balance exercises, have also been developed and tested to achieve more sustained improvement in balance confidence.
Balance Exercises Used As An Intervention
Multicomponent behavioral group interventions provided the most robust evidence of benefits in improving balance confidence and in decreasing activity avoidance. Among interventions not directly aiming at balance confidence improvement, balance exercise appears as the most promising monofactorial intervention.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to improve your confidence while performing basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing . In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from a licensed Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
Recent studies have shown that balance exercises do in fact improve balance and reduce the risks of falling. Lets look at a study that paired balance exercises with confidence in ones balance and ability to keep from falling.
Interventions aiming at balance confidence improvement in older adults (Büla C.J., Monod S., Hoskovec C. and Rochat S.)
Loss of balance confidence is a frequent condition that affects 20-75% of community-dwelling older persons. Although a recent fall is a common trigger, loss of balance confidence also appears independent of previous experience with falls. Maintaining or improving balance confidence is important to avoid unnecessary, self-imposed restrictions of activity and subsequent disability.
Holding another person's hand or using an assistive device while walking are simple interventions that are used naturally to address poor balance confidence in daily life. However, more complex interventions, including balance exercises, have also been developed and tested to achieve more sustained improvement in balance confidence.
Balance Exercises Used As An Intervention
Multicomponent behavioral group interventions provided the most robust evidence of benefits in improving balance confidence and in decreasing activity avoidance. Among interventions not directly aiming at balance confidence improvement, balance exercise appears as the most promising monofactorial intervention.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
The Exercise For Balance DVD is loaded with the best balance exercises and strength exercises needed to improve your confidence while performing basic activities like walking, standing, stair climbing . In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn balance techniques and balance exercises from a licensed Physical Therapist who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 20 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top of the page or see
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Need For Balance Training In Unusual Places
Balance Training All Around Us
As we look to recent events, we can see that balance training and balance exercises are in activities all around us. On Sunday 10-16-2011 a tragedy occurred on the Las Vegas Speedway. Race car driver Dan Wheldon lost his life in a fatal accident. Dan Wheldon was an extraordinary driver, winning the Indy500 twice. Dan Wheldon was an extraordinary man-- gentleman, father,
spokesman for Alzheimer's Disease. Dan Wheldon had an extraordinary sense of balance. Not only did he balance his life to spend time with his wife and kids and to raise money for Alzheimer's research, but he also had tremendous balance as a car driver.
Balance Training For Race Car Driving
Surprisingly, balance training and balance exercises are extremely important for race car driving. The driver must have a keen sense of awareness of his own body's center point for balance. As he hurls around the track at amazing speeds, he must also tune into the car's balance as it transitions from banking on the turns to hitting the flats on the stretches. To be able to be aware of the body's center point as well as the car's balance point, a driver needs to do specific balance exercises and balance training.
Balance Exercises and Specific Balance Training Explained In The Exercise For Balance DVD
There are foundational balance exercises that can be learned in focused balance training. In the Exercise For Balance DVD you will learn from an expert Physical Therapist how to find your center balance point and which balance exercises to perform for basic balance training. Through the help of the Exercise For Balance DVD, those foundational balance exercises can be advanced to meet the needs of all your balance activities. Order your Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
As we look to recent events, we can see that balance training and balance exercises are in activities all around us. On Sunday 10-16-2011 a tragedy occurred on the Las Vegas Speedway. Race car driver Dan Wheldon lost his life in a fatal accident. Dan Wheldon was an extraordinary driver, winning the Indy500 twice. Dan Wheldon was an extraordinary man-- gentleman, father,
spokesman for Alzheimer's Disease. Dan Wheldon had an extraordinary sense of balance. Not only did he balance his life to spend time with his wife and kids and to raise money for Alzheimer's research, but he also had tremendous balance as a car driver.
Balance Training For Race Car Driving
Surprisingly, balance training and balance exercises are extremely important for race car driving. The driver must have a keen sense of awareness of his own body's center point for balance. As he hurls around the track at amazing speeds, he must also tune into the car's balance as it transitions from banking on the turns to hitting the flats on the stretches. To be able to be aware of the body's center point as well as the car's balance point, a driver needs to do specific balance exercises and balance training.
Balance Exercises and Specific Balance Training Explained In The Exercise For Balance DVD
There are foundational balance exercises that can be learned in focused balance training. In the Exercise For Balance DVD you will learn from an expert Physical Therapist how to find your center balance point and which balance exercises to perform for basic balance training. Through the help of the Exercise For Balance DVD, those foundational balance exercises can be advanced to meet the needs of all your balance activities. Order your Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Balance Exercises Following A Stroke
Balance Exercises Help Individuals After A Stroke
The incidence of strokes occurring in America is on the rise. Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability, and impaired balance after stroke is strongly associated with future function and recovery. Until recently there has been limited evidence to
support the use of balance exercises to improve balance performance in this population. One of the complications of a stroke is weakness in one side of the body as well as balance problems standing and walking. Research has shown that balance exercises can help improve balance following a stroke. Lubetzky-Vilnai A. and Kartin D. did a review of research to evaluate recent evidence related to the effect of balance exercises on balance performance among individuals poststroke across the continuum of recovery.
Results Of Balance Exercises Following A Stroke
We found moderate evidence that balance performance can be improved following individual, "one-on-one" balance exercises for participants in the acute stage of stroke, and either one-on-one balance exercises or group therapy for participants with subacute or chronic stroke. Moderate evidence also suggests that in the acute stage, intensive balance exercises for 2 to 3 times per week may be sufficient. Conclusions: This review supports the use of balance exercises to improve balance performance for individuals with moderately severe stroke.
Balance Exercises Can Be Found In The Exercise For Balance DVD
Whether you have experienced a stroke or whether you struggle with balance secondary to age, illness or injury, the Exercise For Balance DVD is the perfect tool for you to use at home to practice daily balance exercises to improve balance and reduce the risk of falling. The Exercise For Balance DVDincludes instruction in how to balance and which balance exercises to perform. To order your Exercise For Balance DVD click on the BUY NOW link at the top of the page or see
The incidence of strokes occurring in America is on the rise. Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability, and impaired balance after stroke is strongly associated with future function and recovery. Until recently there has been limited evidence to
support the use of balance exercises to improve balance performance in this population. One of the complications of a stroke is weakness in one side of the body as well as balance problems standing and walking. Research has shown that balance exercises can help improve balance following a stroke. Lubetzky-Vilnai A. and Kartin D. did a review of research to evaluate recent evidence related to the effect of balance exercises on balance performance among individuals poststroke across the continuum of recovery.
Results Of Balance Exercises Following A Stroke
We found moderate evidence that balance performance can be improved following individual, "one-on-one" balance exercises for participants in the acute stage of stroke, and either one-on-one balance exercises or group therapy for participants with subacute or chronic stroke. Moderate evidence also suggests that in the acute stage, intensive balance exercises for 2 to 3 times per week may be sufficient. Conclusions: This review supports the use of balance exercises to improve balance performance for individuals with moderately severe stroke.
Balance Exercises Can Be Found In The Exercise For Balance DVD
Whether you have experienced a stroke or whether you struggle with balance secondary to age, illness or injury, the Exercise For Balance DVD is the perfect tool for you to use at home to practice daily balance exercises to improve balance and reduce the risk of falling. The Exercise For Balance DVDincludes instruction in how to balance and which balance exercises to perform. To order your Exercise For Balance DVD click on the BUY NOW link at the top of the page or see
Friday, October 14, 2011
Balance Exercises For Single Leg Stance
Single Leg Stance Balance Exercises
Being able to balance on one leg is essential for many of our daily activities including walking, stair climbing and reaching. Doing balance exercises on a daily basis can improve balance and reduce the risk of falling. Single leg balance exercises is one of the foundational balance exercises to perform.
Criteria For Single Leg Balance Exercises
Stand on one leg, place your arms across your chest with your hands touching your shoulders and do not let your legs touch each other. Look straight ahead with your eyes open and focus on an object about 3 feet in front of you. Ideally do this with the shoes off.
Criteria to stop timing the test:
The legs touched each other, the feet moved on the floor, their foot touches down, or the arms moved from their start position.
Criteria For Single Leg Balance Exercises With Eyes Closed
Stand on one leg, place your arms across your chest with your hands touching your shoulders and do not let your legs touch each other. Close your eyes once you have gotten in position. Ideally do this with the shoes off and be about 3 feet from any wall.
Results For Single Leg Balance Exercises
Timed single leg stance (SLS) has been correlated with amplitude and speed of sway in people without disease (Billek, 1990). The ability to maintain SLS generally decreases with increasing age. Single leg stance has been shown to improve over the course of 6 months of rehabilitation by working on balance exercises. Price and MacLeod found that older adults in the community could maintain SLS for 10 sec about 89% of the time and nursing home residents for 45% of the time.
Criteria For Single Leg Balance Exercises
Timed single leg stance (SLS) has been correlated with amplitude and speed of sway in people without disease (Billek, 1990). The ability to maintain SLS generally decreases with increasing age. Single leg stance has been shown to improve over the course of 6 months of rehabilitation by working on balance exercises. Price and MacLeod found that older adults in the community could maintain SLS for 10 sec about 89% of the time and nursing home residents for 45% of the time.
Instruction For Single Leg Stance Balance Exercises
In the Exercise For Balance DVD you will learn balance exercises including single leg stance exercises to help improve balance and decrease falls. You can order your Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOWbutton on the top right of the page or go to
Start your exercises for balance today!
Being able to balance on one leg is essential for many of our daily activities including walking, stair climbing and reaching. Doing balance exercises on a daily basis can improve balance and reduce the risk of falling. Single leg balance exercises is one of the foundational balance exercises to perform.
Criteria For Single Leg Balance Exercises
Stand on one leg, place your arms across your chest with your hands touching your shoulders and do not let your legs touch each other. Look straight ahead with your eyes open and focus on an object about 3 feet in front of you. Ideally do this with the shoes off.
Criteria to stop timing the test:
The legs touched each other, the feet moved on the floor, their foot touches down, or the arms moved from their start position.
Criteria For Single Leg Balance Exercises With Eyes Closed
Stand on one leg, place your arms across your chest with your hands touching your shoulders and do not let your legs touch each other. Close your eyes once you have gotten in position. Ideally do this with the shoes off and be about 3 feet from any wall.
Results For Single Leg Balance Exercises
Timed single leg stance (SLS) has been correlated with amplitude and speed of sway in people without disease (Billek, 1990). The ability to maintain SLS generally decreases with increasing age. Single leg stance has been shown to improve over the course of 6 months of rehabilitation by working on balance exercises. Price and MacLeod found that older adults in the community could maintain SLS for 10 sec about 89% of the time and nursing home residents for 45% of the time.
Criteria For Single Leg Balance Exercises
Timed single leg stance (SLS) has been correlated with amplitude and speed of sway in people without disease (Billek, 1990). The ability to maintain SLS generally decreases with increasing age. Single leg stance has been shown to improve over the course of 6 months of rehabilitation by working on balance exercises. Price and MacLeod found that older adults in the community could maintain SLS for 10 sec about 89% of the time and nursing home residents for 45% of the time.
Instruction For Single Leg Stance Balance Exercises
In the Exercise For Balance DVD you will learn balance exercises including single leg stance exercises to help improve balance and decrease falls. You can order your Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOWbutton on the top right of the page or go to
Start your exercises for balance today!
Balance Training To Make Balance a Sixth Sense
Balance Training Can Help Make Balance A Sixth Sense
Balance training involves many of our senses including vision and the sense of touch. Exercises for balance performed on a regular basis can help to make balance a sixth sense for us. One of the key balance training techniques is to use the sense of touch between our feet and the ground to help stabilize us. As we focus on using that sense of touch, it can become like a sixth sense to help steady us in times of challenged balance.
Balance Training Involves Our Sense Of Vision
Another one of the senses that we use in balance training to keep us from falling is our vision. Actually, our vision is our primary sense for balance. Our brain takes in sensory information from our eyes, vestibular system and sensory system, primarily the sense of touch between our feet and the ground. The brain integrates all that information and then sends a signal to our body via the motor system.
Balance Training Integrates Sensory Information Into A Sixth Sense
With regular balance training, the brain is able to integrate the incoming sensory information into a strong sixth sense for balance. To develop a sixth sense, we must perform specific balance exercises with specific balance techniques. The Exercise For Balance DVD includes instruction on how to balance and which balance exercises to perform for daily balance training. By practicing with the Exercise For Balance DVDyou will develop that sixth sense for balance and reduce your risk for falling. Get your Exercises For Balance DVD today by clicking on BUY NOW at the top of the page or see
Start Balance Training for better health!
Balance training involves many of our senses including vision and the sense of touch. Exercises for balance performed on a regular basis can help to make balance a sixth sense for us. One of the key balance training techniques is to use the sense of touch between our feet and the ground to help stabilize us. As we focus on using that sense of touch, it can become like a sixth sense to help steady us in times of challenged balance.
Balance Training Involves Our Sense Of Vision
Another one of the senses that we use in balance training to keep us from falling is our vision. Actually, our vision is our primary sense for balance. Our brain takes in sensory information from our eyes, vestibular system and sensory system, primarily the sense of touch between our feet and the ground. The brain integrates all that information and then sends a signal to our body via the motor system.
Balance Training Integrates Sensory Information Into A Sixth Sense
With regular balance training, the brain is able to integrate the incoming sensory information into a strong sixth sense for balance. To develop a sixth sense, we must perform specific balance exercises with specific balance techniques. The Exercise For Balance DVD includes instruction on how to balance and which balance exercises to perform for daily balance training. By practicing with the Exercise For Balance DVDyou will develop that sixth sense for balance and reduce your risk for falling. Get your Exercises For Balance DVD today by clicking on BUY NOW at the top of the page or see
Start Balance Training for better health!
Balance Exercises For Seniors
Standing Balance Exercises For Seniors
A healthy person usually takes his or her sense of balance for granted. Most people don't find it difficult to walk across a gravel driveway, transition from walking on the sidewalk to the grass, or get out of bed in the middle of the night without stumbling or feeling unsteady. As we age, however, our balance abilities become compromised as the balance system composed of our eyes, ears and sense of touch from our feet diminish in their abilities. As a result, most people over the age of sixty do not balance as well as they did in their younger years. Consequently, balance exercises for seniors are important to perform everyday to maximize balance reactions and decrease the risk of falling.
Easy Standing Balance Test To Adjust Balance Exercises For Seniors
There are several standing balance tests to determine the level of ones balance abilities and the need for balance exercises for seniors or those hampered by injury or disease.
1. Standing Unsupported (Static Balance Test)
INSTRUCTIONS: Stand still for 2 minutes without holding onto anything.
SCORE: GOOD = Able to stand safely for 2 minutes without wavering.
NEEDS A LITTLE WORK = Able to stand unsupported for 2 minutes, but you felt unsteady.
FAIR = Able to stand unsupported for 30 seconds, but you felt unsteady.
POOR = Needed several tries before you could stand unsupported for 30 seconds.
VERY POOR = Unable to stand unsupported for 30 seconds.
Special Note: If you scored fair or worse on this test, DO Not do the rest of the tests on this page. Have balance testing done by your physician and physical therapist instead.
2. Standing Unsupported, Eyes Closed (Static Balance Test)
INSTRUCTIONS: Close your eyes and stand still for 10 seconds without holding onto anything.
SCORE: GOOD = Able to stand unsupported for 10 seconds safely.
NEEDS A LITTLE WORK = Able to stand unsupported for 10 seconds but you felt unsteady.
FAIR = Able to stand unsupported for 3 seconds.
POOR = Unable to keep eyes closed for 3 seconds because you felt unsafe, but you stayed standing unsupported once you opened your eyes.
VERY POOR = you felt like you were beginning to lose your balance and your friend had to steady you.
Special Note: If you scored fair or worse on this test, you can try the next balance tests but don't do them with your eyes closed.
Balance Exercises For Seniors On The Exercise For Balance DVD
If you tried the standing balance test and struggled with maintaining your balance, the Exercise For Balance DVD is just for you. The Exercise For Balance DVD includes specific teaching on how to balance and the best balance exercises for seniors to practice everyday. Order your Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top or see
A healthy person usually takes his or her sense of balance for granted. Most people don't find it difficult to walk across a gravel driveway, transition from walking on the sidewalk to the grass, or get out of bed in the middle of the night without stumbling or feeling unsteady. As we age, however, our balance abilities become compromised as the balance system composed of our eyes, ears and sense of touch from our feet diminish in their abilities. As a result, most people over the age of sixty do not balance as well as they did in their younger years. Consequently, balance exercises for seniors are important to perform everyday to maximize balance reactions and decrease the risk of falling.
Easy Standing Balance Test To Adjust Balance Exercises For Seniors
There are several standing balance tests to determine the level of ones balance abilities and the need for balance exercises for seniors or those hampered by injury or disease.
1. Standing Unsupported (Static Balance Test)
INSTRUCTIONS: Stand still for 2 minutes without holding onto anything.
SCORE: GOOD = Able to stand safely for 2 minutes without wavering.
NEEDS A LITTLE WORK = Able to stand unsupported for 2 minutes, but you felt unsteady.
FAIR = Able to stand unsupported for 30 seconds, but you felt unsteady.
POOR = Needed several tries before you could stand unsupported for 30 seconds.
VERY POOR = Unable to stand unsupported for 30 seconds.
Special Note: If you scored fair or worse on this test, DO Not do the rest of the tests on this page. Have balance testing done by your physician and physical therapist instead.
2. Standing Unsupported, Eyes Closed (Static Balance Test)
INSTRUCTIONS: Close your eyes and stand still for 10 seconds without holding onto anything.
SCORE: GOOD = Able to stand unsupported for 10 seconds safely.
NEEDS A LITTLE WORK = Able to stand unsupported for 10 seconds but you felt unsteady.
FAIR = Able to stand unsupported for 3 seconds.
POOR = Unable to keep eyes closed for 3 seconds because you felt unsafe, but you stayed standing unsupported once you opened your eyes.
VERY POOR = you felt like you were beginning to lose your balance and your friend had to steady you.
Special Note: If you scored fair or worse on this test, you can try the next balance tests but don't do them with your eyes closed.
Balance Exercises For Seniors On The Exercise For Balance DVD
If you tried the standing balance test and struggled with maintaining your balance, the Exercise For Balance DVD is just for you. The Exercise For Balance DVD includes specific teaching on how to balance and the best balance exercises for seniors to practice everyday. Order your Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top or see
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Balance Exercises To Navigate Curbs
Balance Exercises For Curbs
All of us at times must face the challenge of going up and down curbs. Curbs are challenging because they do not provide any handrails or upper extremity support. Here is a short video to explain some of the concepts we will discuss for balance on curbs.
Click here to watch the 10 second video: Balance Training for Curbs
Balance Exercises To Be Safe On Curbs
As you can see in the video, going up and down curbs involves both static and dynamic balance. We must be able to stand on one leg ( static balance) while moving the other leg (dynamic balance) to ascend and descend curbs without falling. Static and dynamic balance are key concepts for improving balance. Daily balance exercises must include standing on one foot to improve static balance. Also, dynamic balance exercises like tandem walking need to be practiced everyday. Additionally, while moving up and down curbs, we must concentrate on the sense of touch between our feet and the ground to keep our balance point centered and to prevent falling.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
Now there is a perfect tool to use at home to learn how to maintain your balance point, how to perform static balance exercises and how to do dynamic balance exercises that will improve your balance and keep you safe on curbs. The Exercise For Balance DVD has instruction from an expert Physical Therapist to show you each one of those balance exercises as well as balance techniques like finding your center balance point. Order your Exercise For Balance DVD today by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
Start your balance exercises today and be safe on curbs!
All of us at times must face the challenge of going up and down curbs. Curbs are challenging because they do not provide any handrails or upper extremity support. Here is a short video to explain some of the concepts we will discuss for balance on curbs.
Click here to watch the 10 second video: Balance Training for Curbs
Balance Exercises To Be Safe On Curbs
As you can see in the video, going up and down curbs involves both static and dynamic balance. We must be able to stand on one leg ( static balance) while moving the other leg (dynamic balance) to ascend and descend curbs without falling. Static and dynamic balance are key concepts for improving balance. Daily balance exercises must include standing on one foot to improve static balance. Also, dynamic balance exercises like tandem walking need to be practiced everyday. Additionally, while moving up and down curbs, we must concentrate on the sense of touch between our feet and the ground to keep our balance point centered and to prevent falling.
Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVD
Now there is a perfect tool to use at home to learn how to maintain your balance point, how to perform static balance exercises and how to do dynamic balance exercises that will improve your balance and keep you safe on curbs. The Exercise For Balance DVD has instruction from an expert Physical Therapist to show you each one of those balance exercises as well as balance techniques like finding your center balance point. Order your Exercise For Balance DVD today by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
Start your balance exercises today and be safe on curbs!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Balance Training In The Real World
Balance Training In The Great Outdoors
Just for fun , today lets look at balance training and balance exercises in the great outdoors.
Video 13 (trimmed-6) Here is a short video to demonstrate balance exercises for balance training in the woods. The video demonstrates some basic principles of balance and balance training. As the hiker walks along the logs, you can see that it is imperative for her to concentrate on the sense of touch between her feet and the logs. Using that sense of touch is essential to all of us to not only maintain but also to improve balance whether we are at home doing activities like walking up stairs or in the woods crossing a stream on a log.
Components Of Balance Training In The Wild
Concentrating on the sense of touch between our feet and the underlying surface is a specific part of balance training. Another component of balance training is to adjust the base of support to make the balance exercise more challenging. The easiest form of balance training is to stand with feet shoulder width apart and eyes open. A more difficult balance exercise is to stand with one foot directly behind the other, touching heel to toe. In that tandem position, you are in what we call a narrow base of support, much like the hiker on the video. That tandem position will really challenge your balance. Doing balance exercises in a tandem position will gradually improve balance over time. Consequently, all balance training should include tandem balance exercises.
Balance Training With The Exercise For Balance DVD
In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn the best balance exercises, including tandem balance activities. The DVD is set up to challenge your balance at many different levels, allowing you to improve balance through specific balance training. Get your Exercise For Balance DVD now by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
Start your balance training today and have fun!!!
Just for fun , today lets look at balance training and balance exercises in the great outdoors.
Video 13 (trimmed-6) Here is a short video to demonstrate balance exercises for balance training in the woods. The video demonstrates some basic principles of balance and balance training. As the hiker walks along the logs, you can see that it is imperative for her to concentrate on the sense of touch between her feet and the logs. Using that sense of touch is essential to all of us to not only maintain but also to improve balance whether we are at home doing activities like walking up stairs or in the woods crossing a stream on a log.
Components Of Balance Training In The Wild
Concentrating on the sense of touch between our feet and the underlying surface is a specific part of balance training. Another component of balance training is to adjust the base of support to make the balance exercise more challenging. The easiest form of balance training is to stand with feet shoulder width apart and eyes open. A more difficult balance exercise is to stand with one foot directly behind the other, touching heel to toe. In that tandem position, you are in what we call a narrow base of support, much like the hiker on the video. That tandem position will really challenge your balance. Doing balance exercises in a tandem position will gradually improve balance over time. Consequently, all balance training should include tandem balance exercises.
Balance Training With The Exercise For Balance DVD
In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn the best balance exercises, including tandem balance activities. The DVD is set up to challenge your balance at many different levels, allowing you to improve balance through specific balance training. Get your Exercise For Balance DVD now by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
Start your balance training today and have fun!!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Exercises For Balance With Cognitive Training
Performing Exercises For Balance While Doing Cognitive Tasks
often times we are required to maintain balance while we are busy thinking about other things. How often do you go for a walk and think about the kids, work, or what to have for dinner? When was the last time you walked downstairs while thinking about what errands to run, what laundry to put in the washer, or what time your appointment is? All through the day, we are constantly combining cognitive takss with balance tasks.
Practicing Exercises For Balance With Thinking Tasks Improve Balance
A study was done by Silsupadol P, Shumway-Cook A, Lugade V, van Donkelaar P, Chou LS, Mayr U, to show that our balance abilities decline while we are simultaneously performing cognitive tasks. This study looked at the "Effects of single-task versus dual-task training on balance performance in older adults" and the need for exercises for balance. In general the study showed that Participants in all groups improved on the Berg Balance Test and walked significantly faster after training with specific exercises for balance. When a cognitive task was added, however, only participants who received dual-task training (exercises for balance and thinking skills) with fixed-priority instructions and dual-task training with variable-priority instructions exhibited significant improvements in gait speed.
Performing Exercises For Balance And Cognitive Training Together Helped Improve Balance
The study concludes that elderly people who practice exercises for balance and thinking tasks together have better balance with walking and are less likely to fall. The Exercise For Balance DVD can assist in teaching you how to perform the right exercises for balance to help improve balance and reduce falls. One way you can progress the exercises for balance on the DVD is to add cognitive tasks like counting or reading. That will help to maximize your brain integration abilities, improve balance and mimick activities of daily living where we all think about other things while engaging our balance system. Get your Exercise For Balance DVD today by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
Get started on your exercises for balance today!!
often times we are required to maintain balance while we are busy thinking about other things. How often do you go for a walk and think about the kids, work, or what to have for dinner? When was the last time you walked downstairs while thinking about what errands to run, what laundry to put in the washer, or what time your appointment is? All through the day, we are constantly combining cognitive takss with balance tasks.
Practicing Exercises For Balance With Thinking Tasks Improve Balance
A study was done by Silsupadol P, Shumway-Cook A, Lugade V, van Donkelaar P, Chou LS, Mayr U, to show that our balance abilities decline while we are simultaneously performing cognitive tasks. This study looked at the "Effects of single-task versus dual-task training on balance performance in older adults" and the need for exercises for balance. In general the study showed that Participants in all groups improved on the Berg Balance Test and walked significantly faster after training with specific exercises for balance. When a cognitive task was added, however, only participants who received dual-task training (exercises for balance and thinking skills) with fixed-priority instructions and dual-task training with variable-priority instructions exhibited significant improvements in gait speed.
Performing Exercises For Balance And Cognitive Training Together Helped Improve Balance
The study concludes that elderly people who practice exercises for balance and thinking tasks together have better balance with walking and are less likely to fall. The Exercise For Balance DVD can assist in teaching you how to perform the right exercises for balance to help improve balance and reduce falls. One way you can progress the exercises for balance on the DVD is to add cognitive tasks like counting or reading. That will help to maximize your brain integration abilities, improve balance and mimick activities of daily living where we all think about other things while engaging our balance system. Get your Exercise For Balance DVD today by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right of the page or see
Get started on your exercises for balance today!!
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