What Balance Exercises Does a World Class Rock Climber Do?
Ask Chauncenia Cox. Chauncenia began formal rock climbing competitions at the age of seven. She has competed at nationals 9 times. She has taken on the world twice for Youth World competitions and twice for Adult World competitions. Chauncenia has been on the podium more times than she can count.
CHECK OUT HER AMAZING TECHNIQUES AT: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=chauncenia+cox&aq=f&aql=f
Balance Exercises Are Vital For All Of Us
To be a world-class rock climber, Chauncenia needed to develop strength, agility, timing, problem solving, endurance and of course BALANCE. Rock Climbing requires a high level of basic balance techniques. First, Chauncenia developed a strong sense of where her balance point was in her body. That demand to know our balance point is important for all of us. For us mere mortals to remain standing and avoid falling, we all need to learn how to center our balance point in the middle of our feet. To remain glued to the wall, Chauncenia needed to be in control of her balance point at all times.
Balance Exercises Help With Basic Balance Techniques
To be able to hold onto the wall and prepare for the next move, Chauncenia needed to excel at both STATIC and DYNAMIC Balance. Static balance is the ability to keep our balance point within our base of support. For us mortals, we must center our balance point over our feet when we are standing. For Chauncenia, she had to be able to keep her balance while holding one with one arm or a combination of one or more appendages. Additionally, Chauncenia mastered dynamic balance. Dynamic balance is the ability to control our balance point while shifting it to another position. While walking, we must control the movement of our balance point while shifting from one foot to another. While climbing, Chauncenia had to transition her body weight from one hold on the wall to the next. Sometimes that was in a slow and controlled manner and sometimes that was in a wildly ballistic manner.
Chauncenia's balance exercises involved being on a combination of one or two limbs while maneuvering a ball or other moving object. For us, there are some much easier balance exercises that will help improve balance and reduce risk of falling.
In the Exercise For Balance DVD, you can learn the basic balance techniques and specific balance exercises that you will need to live a full and active life at your level. To order your DVD, click on the BUY NOW button or see http://www.exerciseforbalance.com/buy-now
Start your balance exercises today!
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