Friday, September 30, 2011

Exercises For Balance and the Human Balance System

How Exercises For Balance Sharpen The Human Balance System

The human balance system is very complex and it involves multiple inputs, layers of processing and sophisticated output to the muscles of the body. The brain takes in three main sets of information to help with balance from the eyes, the inner ear system called the vestibular system and proprioceptive information from the muscles, joints and surrounding tissues. The brain must integrate all the incoming information and synthesize it into a unified motor output that signals the eyes and muscles how to react.

Exercises For Balance Help Maximize Balance System Functions

Because the human balance system is so complex, disruption due to ageing, injury or disease can have disastrous effects on balance and frequency of falling. For example, changes in our vision effects our balance abilities. Aging or medications can negatively influence our inner ear system, the vestibular system. Injuries or sensory changes in our feet/ankles from diabetes or other insults can hamper the sensory feed back from our feet, thereby limiting our balance abilities. Consequently, exercises for balance are vital to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.

Exercises For Balance Needed To Improve Balance

The good news is that by consistently performing exercises for balance, we can improve our balance and maximize the balance system's function. For instance, senior exercises for balance have been shown to increase balance and reduce falls by a significant amount in older populations. Exercises for balance present the sensory input to the brain so the brain can practice integrating the information. Exercises for balance also help the muscles practice the balance reactions needed to reduce falls.

Exercises For Balance Instruction In The Exercise For Balance DVD

In the Exercise For Balance DVD you will learn the proper techniques for balance and proper exercises for balance that will maximize the balance system, improve balance and reduce falls. Order your DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button at the top right or see

Start your exercises for balance today!

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