Monday, April 18, 2016

Slowing Alzheimer's And Senior Balance Exercises

Senior Balance Exercises For Those With Memory Loss

By Suzanne Stoke, Physical Therapist @ Exercise For Balance via
  Cognitive changes, whether Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease, effects millions of Americans and medical researchers are battling back with different treatments, including physical fitness starting with senior balance exercises. Please see One way medical researchers are fighting against Alzheimer's Disease is through an exciting new technique of using stem cells. In a first-of-its-kind clinical trial, researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine are using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in an attempt to slow or reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The team is aiming to enroll 30 patients who will be tested and observed for cognitive function, memory, quality of life and brain volume over the course of a year. “This is a phase 1 study; we want to prove that it’s safe,” Dr. Bernard Baumel, principal investigator and an assistant professor of neurology at the Miller School of Medicine, told “We minimally would like to see that it slows down the progression of the disease.” Baumel and his team began investigating mesenchymal stem cells because of their anti-inflammatory properties and because they have shown the ability to develop into many different types of cells. The cells are also thought to promote neurogenesis, which allows the brain to produce new cells in the hippocampus, which is where new memory forms and Alzheimer’s disease begins. “Mesenchymal stem cells are anti-inflammatory and they promote indigenous stem cells in your body to proliferate,” Baumel said. “They stimulate cell growth and have a lot of attributes that are very advantageous for using them in humans.” Baumel and his team hope to see the mesenchymal stem cells cross the blood brain barrier and help reduce inflammation, stimulate neural stem cells to proliferate and repair damaged areas. In a best case scenario, Baumel said the team would see mesenchymal stem cells remove the brain inflammation associated with Alzheimer’s altogether. In addition to this exciting new research, medical professionals are seeing the many benefits of exercise for those who suffer with cognitive diseases. As we wait for researchers to find better ways to treat Alzheimer's and Dementia, we can encourage older adults to participate in fitness activities, beginning with senior balance exercises to reduce the possibility of a fall while working out.

Senior Balance Exercises For Steady Workouts

    For aging individuals who want to reap the benefits of working out, healthcare providers like doctors and physical therapists suggest that they begin with a program of senior balance exercises. Practicing Equilibrium routines can help establish necessary stability for working out. You can learn how to perform senior balance exercises by following along with the Exercise For Balance DVD.

Senior Balance Exercises In The Exercise For Balance DVDbalance exercises

    For those with cognitive challenges, get started on a course of the best balance exercises with the Exercise For Balance DVD. The healthcare provider recommended Exercise For Balance DVD is a high quality instructional DVD to use at home or in a group setting. The easy to understand and simple to follow Exercise For Balance DVD includes  a step by step series of the latest balance and strength exercises necessary to optimize senior fitness and to carry out basic daily activities like shopping, doing laundry,  walking, standing, cleaning house, stair climbing or to advance to more difficult pursuits like skiing, dancing, playing golf and hiking. In the  comprehensive Exercise For Balance DVD, you will learn how to improve stability, how to apply steadiness techniques and how to safely execute balance routines from a  qualified balance specialist --- licensed Physical Therapist---who has worked with balance and dizziness disorders for over 25 years. Get your copy of the Exercise For Balance DVD by clicking on the BUY NOW button

For better health, start balance exercises today with the Exercise For Balance DVD to improve balance and prevent falls.
For more information see

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